Free Music and Movies

You won't find any illegal uploads here, but you will find legitimate sources through which to view movies, television shows, and other material for free. So, what would you like to watch?

I love renting from Redbox, because $1.64 is pretty cheap for a movie rental. (Back in the days of VHS, going to Blockbuster cost, like, at least $5.) But Redbox is even better when it's free!  Text "PUSH" to 727272 to sign up for their text club.  You'll get a free credit on the spot and notifications about promotions all year round. is your source for streaming movies on your phone, laptop, or television.  Sign up to get one month of streaming free.

Get one month of free movie nights from A subsidiary of Netflix, delivers dvds to your mailbox for as little as 4.99 per month. Hint: you can sign up for a month from Netflix and from DVD...they're connected, but distinct enough that you can take advantage of both.

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