Sunday, December 20, 2015

FREEBIE ALERT: John Grisham Novel, "The Tumor"

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I remember my mom reading author John Grisham's legal thrillers, but with his new novel, he's doing something completely altruistic. Here's what he had to say about it: 

"As a lawyer turned author, I know little about medicine and medical research. But when I learned about focused ultrasound and its potential to change lives, I knew it was a story worth telling. This is the most important book I have ever written. I have found no other cause that can potentially save so many lives."

To raise awareness, and perhaps with a hope of garnering your donations, the Focused Ultrasound Foundation is giving out free copies of the book The Tumor when it is released in January. Click here to reserve your copy, no donation required. You can request up to three copies. Digital copies are also available.

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